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Chinese Baijiu是什么意思,中国白酒英文名改成什么了?

来源: 责编: 时间:2023-09-16 15:17:01 140观看
导读 1. Chinese Baijiu是一种传统的中国白酒。它是中国最古老的烈性酒之一,制作工艺源远流长。白酒的主要原料一般是粮食,如高粱、小麦和大米。它具有独特的风味和香气,历史上在中国具有重要的文化和社交意义。2.

Chinese Baijiu是什么意思,中国白酒英文名改成什么了?KjB28资讯网——每日最新资讯28at.com

1. Chinese Baijiu是一种传统的中国白酒。它是中国最古老的烈性酒之一,制作工艺源远流长。白酒的主要原料一般是粮食,如高粱、小麦和大米。它具有独特的风味和香气,历史上在中国具有重要的文化和社交意义。KjB28资讯网——每日最新资讯28at.com

2. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Chinese Baijiu outside of China. As a result, the English name for Chinese Baijiu has been changed to better reflect its cultural significance and appeal to a global audience. The new English name for Chinese Baijiu is "Chinese white spirit". This new name helps to differentiate it from other types of distilled spirits and highlights its unique characteristics.KjB28资讯网——每日最新资讯28at.com

3. Chinese white spirit is gaining popularity in the international market due to its distinct flavor and cultural heritage. It is often described as having a strong aroma and a smooth, mellow taste. Chinese white spirit is commonly consumed on special occasions and social gatherings in China, and it is also used in traditional medicinal practices.KjB28资讯网——每日最新资讯28at.com

4. The production process of Chinese white spirit involves several steps, including fermentation, distillation, and aging. The fermented grain is distilled multiple times to remove impurities and create a high alcohol content. It is then aged in earthenware jars or porcelain vats to develop its unique flavors and aromas.KjB28资讯网——每日最新资讯28at.com

5. In conclusion, Chinese Baijiu, or Chinese white spirit, is a traditional Chinese distilled spirit with a rich cultural history. Its English name has been changed to better reflect its cultural significance and appeal to a global audience. Chinese white spirit is gaining popularity internationally due to its distinct flavor and unique production process.

本文链接:http://www.28at.com/showinfo-110-1738-0.htmlChinese Baijiu是什么意思,中国白酒英文名改成什么了?


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